Recharge system without logosmall Recharge system without logosmall

The REcharge System: "6 RE+Formula"

The 'RE' in our REcharge System signifies a powerful Latin root meaning 'again' or 'back', embodying a sense of continual action and process. 

In the context of the AskMyAdvisor® Method and OS, it exemplifies our commitment to keeping your referral and client discovery system active, automated, and self-renewing.

The REcharge System 'repeats' the cycle of engaging with your clients, 'returns' their queries with prompt responses, and 'renews' your client base by 'reversing' the traditional referral-asking process.

It's all about relaying, reminding, responding, and reaping the benefits, 24/7/365.

With the REcharge System activated, your growth momentum is always in motion and expanding.

This directly ties into the continual action, process, and system efficiency you have with your AskMyAdvisor® OS.

Brian Ouellette, Founder & CEO of AskMyAdvisor®